
2013-02-27 13:39:00 字体放大:  

 以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的公共英语资讯公共英语三级听力题及答案:



According to the passage, when/where/who/what/why/how did...?

Which of the following adjectives best describes...?

Which of the following (statements)is true/ not true?

Which of the following is mentioned/not mentioned?





考生应当具备以下能力:理解表示态度、语气等词语;分辨出反映态度、观点的关键词。这些词语通常出现在选项中,当浏览问题时发现类似词语或听到短文中出现类似词语时,考生应立即意识到这是考查作者的观点和态度。如:advisory, historical, approving, cautionary, indifferent, critical等等。


Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward...?

What is the tone of this passage?

What does the passage say about...?

听力部分终于结束了,你是不是觉得学英语真是一件苦差事,需要记大量的东西。其实,做任何事情都是这样的:No pains, no gains. 希望你能通过自己的努力成为a particular student who can make a difference。

最后,衷心地祝愿你:Have a good day!


Questions 1~4 are based on the following passage.

1. What will be used to power cars in the next few decades?

[A] Gas. [B] Water. [C] Electricity. [D] Wind.

2. What will F & C Motors present at thr press conference?

[A] Its newly invented and fastest car models.

[B] Its newly invented electronically powered car models.

[C] Its spacecraft models to the moon.

[D] Its newly invented and energy-saving car models.

3. What will future news reports focus on when talking about transportation?

[A] Traffic conditions in the water.

[B] Traffic conditions on the moon.

[C] Traffic jams under the ground.

[D] Traffic jams in the sky.

4. What is the special requirement for passengers traveling to the moon?

[A] Enough money. [B] Light baggage.

[C] Strong body. [D] Good weather.