
2013-02-27 12:27:56 字体放大:  

8.Where is the conversation taking place?

[A] In a bank. [B] In the office.

[C] At Mr.Chang’s home. [D] On the telephone.

9.Why can’t the woman buy it?

[A] Because the man doesn’t like it.

[B] Because the woman doesn’t have time.

[C] Because the woman knows he doesn’t have money.

[D] Because they don’t have enough money.

10.What does the woman suggest the man do?

[A] Go to the libraiy to do the experiment.

[B] Write the library research part first.

[C] Test the computer as soon as possible.

[D] Go to another lab.


Question 6:

W:Mary insists she’s coming to my graduation

M:But she has to work that week, doesn’t she?

Question 7:

M:What do you think of my new painting? I’ve just finished it.

W:Well, the colors are a little strange, don’t you think?

M:Ah, yes. That’s the point. It’s called Colors.

W:Oh, yes, I see. Well, it’s not quite my cup of tea-but then we all have different tastes, don’t we?

Question 8:

M:Is Mr. Zhang in?

W:No,he is out. Who is this speaking, please?

M:James Smith.

Question 9:

W:I’m going to buy a new carpet.

M:But you can’t do that.

W:Why can’t I?

M:We haven’t got enough money.

Question 10:

M:Oh no, I can’t use the computer to test my experiment; I’ll never get my paper finished in time.

W:Why don’t you begin with the library research part.

答案:1.A 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.B


