Oral Test
With the help of the information provided in the following tables, write a passage of about 160-200 words and illustrate the following three aspects:
1.the increase of China’s energy consumption.
2.its relationship with the size of population.
3.comparison with that of other countries.
Table 1. the increase in Gross Energy Consumption and the Increase per Capita.
Year Total Energy Consumption (coal in Million Tons) population (Million) per Capita (kilogram)
1953 5.4 587.96 92
1957 9.6 646.5 149
1962 16.5 672.9 245
1965 18.9 725.4 260
1970 29.3 829.9 352
1975 45.4 924.2 491
1978 57.1 926.6 593
1980 60.2 987.1 610
1981 59.4 1000.7 594
1982 61.9 1015.4 609
1983 65.7 1024.9 640
country Total Energy Consumption (coal in Million Tons) population (Million) per Capita (kilogram)
World 8.548 4415 1.93
U.S. 2.37 222.5 10.60
Russia 1.46 267 5.54
China 0.6 987.05 0.61
Japan 0.43 116.8 3.69
W.Germany 0.35 611.1 5.47
Britain 0.27 55.8 4.83
France 0.27 53.6 4.36
Italy 0.19 57.2 3.3
India 0.13 676.2 0.18
本文的写作给出了 一种比较特殊的题型。它把提纲式作文与图表作文结合在一起。考生在写作前,要分别掌握提纲式作文和图表作文的写作要领。写作要按照已给提纲这一大框架进行。至于具体内容,则要从给出的两个图表中进行提炼。这里给出的两个图表包含了大量数据,所以要再次提醒考生:描写图表反映的趋势并适当引用具体数据即可,切勿将给出的数据机械式地堆砌。根据所给提纲,第一段和第二段的内容建立在图表1上,最后一段的内容建立在图表2上。
The first table demonstrates the increase in total energy consumption in the form of coal and the increase per capita. From the table, we can see that from the year of 1953, the amount to energy consumption in China rose dramatically until the year of 1980, from 5.4 million of tons of 60.2 million tons, over ten times of the 1953’s amount. The year of 1980 was a turning point. After consistent rises from 1953 to 1980, 1981 saw a slight decrease in the amount of energy consumption. After that it continued to increase. The population also had a big change during this period, from 587.96 million to 1024.9 million. The biggest increase was between 1965 and 1970, when china’s population increased by 104.5 million.
According to this table, the increase of the total energy consumption was related to that of population to a big extent. That is to say, the ever-increasing amount of energy consumption was due to the increase of population. With more people to consume, the amount of energy consumption will increase inevitably. There was a twelve-fold increase in the amount of energy consumption during these 30 years. However the population only doubled to reach 1024.9 million. The percentage of energy consumption increase was much bigger than that of population’s.
The second table indicates the energy consumption in the world and in some countries in the year of 1980. As we can see, china, as a developing country, although with a larger population than the developed countries such as United States and Russia, consumed much less energy than these two countries in 1980. China consumed more energy than other developed countries, like Japan, West Germany, Britain, France, and Italy, but the energy consumed per person in China was very limited compared with these countries. India was also a developing country with similar population to China, but it consumed less energy than China in 1980.