威廉希尔app 提醒广大考生,凡事预则立,不预则废,要想顺利通过考试,大家必须要有周详的考试计划。威廉希尔app 建议考生朋友们平时多积累。在此,威廉希尔app 编辑特为您准备了2011年公共英语PETS2精品阅读汇总,希望给您以帮助。
Primitive umbrellas have been used for more than 2,000 years. However, the type of umbrella we use today was designed less than 3 hundred years ago. Our present umbrella is made of steel covered with cloth. It was first produced in the late 1700's. This umbrella was invented by six men, working together, and the product was so popular that each inventor made more than a million dollars. The invention of the parachute is believed to have come from the design of the umbrella.