
2013-03-23 18:14:18 字体放大:  

38. I See It, And...

Lights glisten. 电灯亮了起来。

ON. It gets bright. 合上开关,它就会变亮。

OFF. It gets dark. 断开开关,它就会熄灭。

They exchange happy glances. 他们幸福地互视着。

He notices something. 他察觉到了某种东西。

The bull casts a curious glance. 那头牛投出好奇的目光。

Hmm... It doesn't look like corn, doesn't taste like corn, doesn't sound like corn. I guess it isn't corn. (牛儿为什么如此好奇呢?)呒,这东西看上去像玉米,尝起来像玉米,听上去不像玉米。我猜它并不是玉米。

To worship God. 对神膜拜。

I'm found. 我发现(原因)了!

A rainbow comes into sight. 彩虹出现了!

To show off muscles. 展示肌肉。

He is showing off his brand-new car. 他正在炫耀新出品的汽车。

He hears the violin squeaking. 他听到了小提琴发出的声音。