
2012-11-29 12:12:41 字体放大:  

编者按:威廉希尔app 小编为大家收集发布了公共英语PETS口语:三级口试常考问题与回答:Health,希望对大家有所帮助。




I've been laid up with ________ (name of illness)。我得了 ________ (疾病名称)。

Take things easy.别紧张(别着急,别过度疲劳)。

Don't work yourself so hard.别过分操劳了。

Get a good rest.好好休息一下。

Go and see a doctor.去看看医生吧。

You look a bit pale.你脸色似乎不太好。

I hope you get well(better)soon. 我希望你不久就能康复。

I'm sure you'll get over it soon.我相信你不久就会痊愈的。

I haven't been feeling well recently.最近我感觉不太好。

10.Hotel常用句子What sundry services does the hotel offer?这旅馆有哪些零星服务项目?

What sort of amusements do you offer?你们提供哪种娱乐?

Is there a dining room in the hotel?旅馆有餐厅吗?

Can you tell me the rate for a double room,please?请告诉我一间双人房的费用可以吗?

How much is a room for one night?一间房一个晚上要多少钱?

I have to pay my bill now.The name is Jack London,Room 238.我现在得付账了,姓名是杰克。伦敦,238房间。

Are there any beds vacant?有空床位吗?

Could you reserve a single room for me?你能不能给我预订一间单人房?

I'll be staying for about three days.我准备住三天左右。

I'd like a room on the sunny side,please.我想要一间向阳的房间。

We'd like to room together.我们想住在一起。

Can you let me have a room with two single beds?可以给我一间有两张单人床的房间吗?

I think I'll take the one with bath then.那么我看就租有浴室的那间房吧。

Is there a pubic telephone here?这儿有公用电话吗?



Can you tell me how much it costs to send a letter air mail from here to…?


What's the postage on this parcel to…,please?


What's the rate for telegrams to…?



I think I'll look it up.Anything else?我想我要查一直。还有别的吗?

I'll have to check.Anything else I can do for you?我得检查一下。还能为您办些什么?

I'll have to weigh it first.我得先把它称一下。

It's overweight.You'll have to pay extra.超重了,您得另付超重费。


That comes to…please.共计……


A post card and…stamps,please.请给我一张明信片和……张邮票。

Can I buy some stamps here?我能不能在这儿买些邮票?

Can I get a money order here?我能不能在这儿拿一张汇款单?

Could you register this letter for me?能否给我把这封信挂号?

I want to have it sent by an urgent telegram.我想加急电报把它发出。

I want to mail this parcel to…我想把这包裹寄往……

I'd like to pick up my package.This is the notice.我想取我的包裹,这是通知单。


By surface mail?普通邮递吗?

Do you want it registered?您想给它挂号吗?

Do you wish to send it by air mail?您希望航空邮寄吗?

What kind of stamps do you need?您要哪种邮票?

Where would you want to send it?您想寄到哪里?
