2011年公共英语PETS2每日对话练习。威廉希尔app 公共英语等级考试站为您接下来的考试做足准备,一举拿下公共英语二级考试!
Milt: They say all that just to make you trust them.
Seth: It worked. She told Jake she worked for the bank and needed him to go to the ATM and key in some info. She talked really quikly and gave him no time to think. He did what she said and then his life savings went “poof” and disappeared!
Milt: And even after hearing Jake's story, you're all ready to go out and get scammed, too. Some people are born suckers.
赛司:是很有效。她告诉杰克她是银行行员,需要他去自动提款机输入一些数据。她讲话很快,不让他有时间思考。他照着她所说的去做,一生积蓄就 ‘噗’一声不见了!
★ life savings 一生积蓄
★ ATM (n.) 自动提款机,是automated teller machine的缩写
★ key in 输入
★ disappear (v.) 消失,go“poof” and disappear指‘噗’一声消失
★ sucker (n.) 易受骗的人,冤大头