2011年公共英语三级教材:Unit 12

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Unit 12 Shops and Commodities

Dialogues /monologues:

1、 It severs as a bridge for southern goods to enter northern markets and vise versa.

2、 Yup! Or Best Buy.

3、 Every once in a while.

4、 Most mothers dream about the flowery pink frocks, smart and cute pants for their babies long before they make their debut on earth.

5、 But of course, this fancy of most parents does not come without a cost attached to it.

6、 The stores will purchase a large amount of each type and size of bead at a lower price from wholesale and then pass on part of the savings to the customer.


To purchase beads there are many alternatives in the way to shop for them. Beads are available as a single or as part of a jewelry item. Popular jewelry items include necklaces, bracelets and caps.

Firstly, bead shops are available in shopping malls. This is possibly the cheapest means of purchasing a single bead. The stores will purchase a large amount of each type and size of bead at a lower price from wholesale and then pass on part of the savings to the customer. This form of bead shopping will enable the purchase to buy as many single beads as are required in order to make a personal item of jewelry or other beaded item. Shopping malls very often sell every type of bead imaginable, the types of beads include seed beads, crystal beads, glass beads, lamp work beads and silver beads, etc. shopping malls also sell beaded jewelry items at reasonable prices. These items may be fashionable, off purchases or of unusual requirements.

Secondly, specific outlets are also an option when one purchases beads. Swarovski is the most popular outlet of crystal beads. Therefore many customers may prefer to deal directly with that specific supplier. This will ensure that the crystal beads are genuine and possibly offering the most choice. Specific outlets may be more expensive because of the brand names that are usually attached. This is also the case when considering the purchase of jevelry items from specific outlets.

Thirdly, catalogues are a hassle free means of purchasing beads and beaded items. The customer will usually call the shop for the required catalogue and within one or two weeks the catalogue will be delivered. The customer can then send off the desired purchase by post or over the phone. Payments can usually be made by credit card either at the time of at a later date. It is important to consider postage and packaging costs when catalogue purchasing.

Finally, the Internet is quick and efficient source of purchasing beads. This is especially useful if rare or collectable beads are purchase these types of beads. Shops are also available online and this can be an easy purchasing method. Again, many Internet companies will also require an additional charge for postage and packaging.





