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 【温馨提示】:以下是威廉希尔app 小编应广大考生的需要,特为参小编应广大考生的需要,特为参加考试的考生策划专题有关资料,供考生参考!

Use of English

Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase marked A, B, C or D for each numbered blank.

people live in groups, which we call societies. Societies and social relations are the subject _1_ in the social sciences.

Men depend on other and on the world around _2_. The sun brings the warmth and light, day and night, summer and winter. plants grow _3_ there is air and sunshine, earth and water; animals depend on plants; _4_ depend on water, air, sunshine, and the plants and animals around them.

Wherever people live and _5_ they look like, many of their _6_ are the same. They need food and places to live _7_, warmth and sleep. They need _8_ social existence; they need friendships and relationships which will _9_ to marriage and family life. The members depend on one _10_.

In different societies we find different ways of finding _11_ and different ways of preparing it. Societies have _12_ habits and customs. They teach their children, _13_ sick people, look after old people in various ways. They have different _14_ about life, death and the world _15_ which they were born.

Most men _16_ to live in peach. The members of every social group accept certain rules and customs _17_ expect other members to know them. Children are taught to _18_ these rules, and what they do in _19_ life depends on the habits they _20_ when they were young.

1. A. studied B. learned C. researched D. explained

2. A. it B. them C. us D. everyone

3. A. where B. that C. when D. whenever

4. A. animals B. plants C. men D. everything

5. A. what B. how C. however D. whatever

6. A. necessities B. requirements C. realities D. probabilities

7. A. in B. on C. with D. by

8. A. such B. the C. a D. that

9. A. move B. lead C. go D. come

10. A. another B. other C. each D. thing

11. A. food B. meal C. crops D. cakes

12. A. modern B. strict C. various D. limited

13. A. care of B. care C. care with D. care for

14. A. comments B. considerations C. beliefs D. attitudes

15. A. onto B. into C. from D. beyond

16. A. want B. think C. have D. believe

17. A. or B. but C. and D. so

18. A. use B. get C. form D. follow

19. A. late B. later C. latter D. latest

20. A. learned B. knew C. obtained D. acquired


1. A. 这句话的意思是: 社会和社会关系是社会科学研究的课题.此处用的是过去分词短语做定语, 表示 “在社会科学中研究的课题”. study研究;learn学习; research调查研究; explain解释.

2. B. 这句话的意思是: 人们依靠其他人以及周围的世界. 备选的答案给出了四个人称代词的宾格. 根据本句的意思, 应该选them, 指代men.

3. A. 这句的意思是: 植物生长在有阳光,土壤和水分的地方. 副词where引导的是地点状语.

4. C. 这句的意思是: 人类依靠水, 空气, 阳光, 植物和他们周围的动物生存. men为复数,表示 “人类”. 前面两句分别讲了植物依靠什么生长,以及动物依靠什么生存,由此推断,这里要讲的是人类依靠什么生存.

5. D. 这句的意思是: 不管人们住在哪里以及看起来是什么样子,他们的许多需求是相同的. Whatever 不论什么, 是代词, and 连接两个并列句, 根据一致性的原则以及此句的意思可以判断应选 whatever. 这里所填的词要做like的宾语, 所以可以排除how, however.

6. B. necessities 必需品; requirement 要求, 需要的东西; realities 事实; probabilities 可能性,概率.

7. A. 这句话的意思是: 他们需要食物和住宿的地方. 不定式短语做定语是, 如果动词是不及物的, 则要加上介词,构成及物动词短语, 因为该动词的逻辑宾语就是它前面所要修饰的词. 这里表示可居住的地方, 正确的搭配只有live in.

8. C. 这句话的意思是: 他们需要一个社会的存在,他们需要友谊以及最终可以维持婚姻和家庭生活的关系.这里是泛指,并且是首次提到social existence.

9. B. move to 把某物移动到某地; lead to 导致.

10. A. 这句话的意思是: 社会成员互相依靠. 此空的意思是 “彼此”; one another三者或三者以上; each other 彼此.

11. A. 这句话的意思是: 不同的社会人们寻找食物和准备食物的方法也不同. Food 食物; meal 一餐,一顿饭; crop 庄稼; cake 蛋糕.

12. C. 这句话的意思是: 不同的社会有不同的风俗习惯. modern现代的; strict 严格的,严厉的; various 各种各样的, 不同的; limited 有限的, 狭窄的.

13. D.这句话的意思是: 他们以不同的方式教育孩子,看护病人以及照顾老人. 此题的备选答案中只有 care for 是正确的动词短语, 表示 “关心,照顾”. A选项的 care of 必须要与 take搭配才能构成动词短语,即 take care of意思也是 “关心, 照顾”.

14.C这句话的意思是: 他们对于生命,死亡以及他们出生的这个世界有不同的信仰. comment评论意见; consideration考虑, 体谅; attitude 态度. 这里指 “他们对…有不同的信仰”, 应选beliefs.

15. B 这句话中, which在它引导的定语从句中做介词宾语,只有 be born into是正确的搭配, 意思是 “出生在…地方”.

16. A 这句话的意思是:大多数人想要生活在和平之中. 在四个备选答案中, 只有want, have 可以和 to搭配. Want to 想,想要; have to必须, 不得不.

17. C. 这句话的意思是: 每个社会群体的成员们接受一定的规则和风俗习惯, 并且希望其他的成员也能知道这些规则和风俗习惯. 此处要用一个连词来连接两个并列的句子, 根据句意只能用and.

18. D. 这句话的意思是: 孩子们被教育要遵循这些规定, 而且他们在今后的生活中的行为将部分地依赖于他们年轻时养成的习惯, 所以应该用follow those rules. Use使用; get得到; form形成.

19. B. late迟的, 晚的; later后来的, 更后面的; latter 两者中后者的; latest最近的, 最新的.此处的意思是 “在后面的生活中”,应选 later.

20. A. learn学习; know 知道, 了解; obtain 获得, 得到; acquire 获取. 此处的意思是 “在年轻是学到的习惯”, 所以 learn the habits是最佳的搭配. learn when they were young是定语从句, learn的宾语是已被省去的关系代词 that/ which .

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