
2013-03-01 09:59:25 字体放大:  

 【温馨提示】:以下是威廉希尔app 小编应广大考生的需要,特为参小编应广大考生的需要,特为参加考试的考生策划专题有关资料,供考生参考!


1. Think, Think...

to start the city planning 着手都市计划

to consider the statistics 细看统计(资料)

to study the map 研究地图

to negotiate the agreement 商议同意

to argue with the opponent about the principles 和反对者争论基本事项

to research the graph 研究曲线图

to work out the blueprint 勾勒蓝图

to speak to the public 向公众呼吁

to computerize information 把资料输入电脑

to have a discussion with the committee 在委员会讨论

to examine the problem 检讨问题

the worst traffic condition of the town 镇上最拥挤的交通状况

to solve the problem 解决问题

相关推荐  公共英语四级(pets4)考试口语练习:城市生活
