
2012-11-16 14:48:19 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语阅读与翻译:对华贸易成美国选战重要话题”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

Trade case sets China at heart of electionrace

China has moved to centre stage in the US election, with theObama administration filing a second trade complaint in as manymonths against Beijing. In both cases, the measures have beenannounced to coincide with presidential trips to the crucialswing state of Ohio.

中国已登上美国大选的“中心舞台”——奥巴马(Barack Obama)政府刚刚提起了两个多月来针对中国的第二宗贸易申诉。在这两宗申诉中,相关措施的宣布恰巧都与这位美国总统访问关键“摇摆州”俄亥俄州在同一时间。

President Barack Obama said the US had launched a case against China at the World TradeOrganisation over its export subsidies on cars and car parts, alleging they hurt US manufacturersand force them to shift production overseas.


The US case was filed on the same day as China launched its own WTO challenge againstWashington, alleging that it was illegally imposing anti-dumping measures on a range of its good. InJuly, also on the eve of a re-election campaign trip to Ohio, the Obama administration took the firststep in a formal trade dispute with Beijing at the WTO, challenging duties on large US cars.


“You can talk a good game, or you can play one – and my experience has been waking up everysingle day doing everything I can to give American workers a fair shot in the global economy,” MrObama said at a campaign stop in Cincinnati, south-western Ohio, yesterday. “When othercountries don’t play by the rules, we’ve done something about it.”


Mitt Romney, his Republican rival, has long tried to use China’s tightly managed currency tocriticise Mr Obama for not supporting US workers, promising to declare Beijing a curren-cymanipulator on the first day of his administration.

长期以来,奥巴马的对手、共和党人米特?罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)一直在以中国受到严格管制的人民币汇率为由,批评奥巴马没有为美国劳动者提供支持。罗姆尼承诺,他就任美国总统后的第一天就会把中国列为汇率操纵国。

Mr Obama, and George W. Bush before him, dec-lined to do so, preferring to press China to allowits currency to appreciate, while engaging its leaders on economic and security issues. China’scurrency has appreciated by 19 per cent against the US dollar over the past five years – and byabout 8 per cent since Mr Obama took office in early 2009.

奥巴马及其前任小布什(George W. Bush)拒绝这样做,他们更愿意一面敦促中国让人民币升值,一面就经济和安全议题与中国领导人展开接触。过去5年里,人民币兑美元已累计升值19%,自奥巴马2009年初上任以来,人民币兑美元已累计升值8%左右。

“President Obama’s credibility on this issue has long since vanished. I will not wait until the lastmonths of my presidency to stand up to China, or do so only when votes are at stake,” MrRomney said.


Mr Romney has targeted Mr Obama over his China policies in attack advertisements tailored toOhio, a manufacturing state that has battled with competition from Asia for three decades. MrObama has defended himself by pointing to trade actions against China but also by highlighting hisbailout of the US car industry, which left Washington a major shareholder in companies such asGM.

