
2012-11-16 14:41:16 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语阅读与翻译:法国呼吁给希腊更多时间”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

France seeks more timefor Greece

France has said Greece should be given more time to meet theterms of its international bailout, in the clearest call to date by aleading eurozone country for an easing of the stringentconditions attached to the €174bn rescue package.


Jean-Marc Ayrault, the prime minister, taking a clear swipe at those in Germany insisting on a hardline against Athens, warned that a Greek exit from the eurozone would be “unmanageable” andcould be “the beginning of the end of the European project”.

法国总理让-马克 埃罗(Jean-Marc Ayrault)明确反对德国对希腊政府的强硬态度,他警告称,如果希腊退出欧元区,可能令局面变得“不可控制”,并可能“揭开欧洲项目崩溃的序幕”。

Mr Ayrault told the French news website Mediapart: “We can already offer [Greece] more time... oncondition that Greece is sincere in its commitment to reform, especially tax reform.”


It was the most explicit call by Paris for relief for Athens, which has informally suggested that it begiven an extra two years to meet its reform commitments.


Last week, Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, said such a move shouldbe “considered as an option” but it has faced stiff opposition from Germany and other northerneurozone countries such as Finland.

国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁克里斯蒂娜 拉加德(Christine Lagarde)上周表示,这种要求“可以考虑”,但遭到了德国和芬兰等欧元区北方国家的强烈反对。

President Fran ois Hollande has been careful not to cross Angela Merkel on the issue, but MrAyrault made clear the frustrations in the new socialist government over the handling of Greece byeurozone leaders, including the German chancellor, criticising them for a “political weakness” and “a lack of vision”.

法国总统弗朗索瓦 奥朗德(Fran ois Hollande)在这个问题上一直小心地避免与德国总理安格拉 默克尔(Angela Merkel)作对,但埃罗的话表明,法国的社会党新政府对默克尔等欧元区国家领导者对希腊问题的处理感到失望。埃罗批评欧元区国家领导者“在政治上软弱”,且“缺乏远见”。
