
2012-11-16 14:19:55 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语阅读与翻译:罗姆尼能从中东乱局中获益吗”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

Turmoil in the Middle East looked like a gift to the presidentialcampaign of Mitt Romney. With unseemly eagerness, theRepublican candidate unwrapped his present – blaming theObama administration for encouraging Islamist militancy. Conservative commentators chimed in. On Fox Television, Charles Krauthammer announced: “What we are seeing on thescreen is the meltdown, collapse of the Obama policy on the Muslim world.”

中东地区出现局势动荡,似乎给米特 罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的总统竞选送去一份礼物。这位共和党候选人不合时宜、迫不及待地打开了这份礼物——谴责奥巴马(Obama)政府鼓励了伊斯兰好战分子。保守派评论人士应声附和。查尔斯 克劳塞默(Charles Krauthammer)在福克斯电视台(Fox)宣称:“我们在屏幕上看到的是奥巴马对穆斯林世界政策的崩溃和破产。”

With an American ambassador dead and US embassies under assault, this is an easy accusation tomake. But it is wrong. Rather than making things worse, the policies pursued by Barack Obamamean that the US is much better positioned to deal with the anti-American violence that has been afeature of politics in the Middle East for decades.

鉴于一位美国大使遇袭身亡,多个美国使馆受到攻击,奥巴马政府很容易成为被指责的目标。但这种指责是错误的。巴拉克 奥巴马(Barack Obama)追求的政策不但没让局势变得更糟,而且在应对反美暴力方面使美国处在比以往强得多的地位。几十年来,反美暴力活动一直是中东政治的一个特色。

The conservative critique of Mr Obama relies heavily on selective amnesia. The argument seemsto be that before his election, the US was strong and respected across the Middle East. But now aweak president has returned America to its enfeebled state under Jimmy Carter, when USdiplomats were taken hostage in Iran. That humiliation, the Republicans well remember, contributedmightily to Mr Carter’s 1980 election defeat.

保守派对奥巴马的批评在很大程度上依赖“选择性失忆”。他们的观点似乎是,在奥巴马当选美国总统之前,美国在整个中东地区实力强大,且受人尊敬。但现在,一位软弱的总统又把美国带回到了类似吉米 卡特(Jimmy Carter)主政时那种虚弱无力的境地,那时有多名美国外交官在伊朗被劫持为人质。共和党人记得,那种羞辱感在很大程度上导致卡特在1980年总统选举中落败。
