2012年翻译英语阅读与翻译:西班牙经济堪忧 民众捡垃圾度日

2012-11-16 14:14:31 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语阅读与翻译:西班牙经济堪忧 民众捡垃圾度日”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

Spain Recoilsas Its Hungry Seek SustenanceinTrash Bins

On a recent evening, a hip-looking young woman was sortingthrough a stack of crates outside a fruit and vegetable storehere in the working-class neighborhood of Vallecas as it shutdown for the night.


At first glance, she looked like she might be a store employee. But no. The young woman waslooking through the day’s trash for her next meal. Already, she had found a dozen aging potatoesshe deemed edible and had loaded them onto the luggage cart parked nearby.


“When you don’t have enough money,” she said, declining to give her name, “this is what thereis.”


The woman, 33, said that she had once worked at the post office but that her unemploymentbenefits had run out and she was living now on 400 euros a month, about $520. She wassquatting with some friends in a building that still had water and electricity, while collecting “a little ofeverything” from the garbage after stores closed and the streets were dark and quiet.


Such survival tactics are becoming increasingly commonplace here, with an unemployment rateover 50 percent among young people and more and more households having adults without jobs. So pervasive is the problem of scavenging that one Spanish city has resorted to installing locks onsupermarket trash bins as a public health precaution.


A report by a Catholic charity, Caritas, this year said that it had fed nearly one million hungrySpaniards in 2010, more than twice as many as in 2007. That number rose again in 2011 by 65,000.


As Spain tries desperately to meet its budget targets, it has been forced to embark on the samepath as Greece, introducing one austerity measure after another, cutting jobs, salaries, pensionsand benefits, even as the economy continues to shrink.


For a growing number, the food in garbage bins helps make ends meet.

