2012年翻译英语阅读与翻译:罗姆尼选情好转 趁势争取奥巴马支持者

2012-11-16 14:10:02 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

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RomneyTargets Obama Voters

With new polls showing his campaign gaining momentum, MittRomney is venturing into what might be viewed as unfriendlyterritory, visiting counties in swing states that voted forPresident Barack Obama in 2008 and urging the president'ssupporters to switch sides.

The strategy is crucial to the Republican nominee: With the poolof undecided voters now small, Mr. Romney's best path to building a majority includes stripping Mr. Obama of some of his more tentative supporters.

'I'd like you to go out and find one person who voted for Barack Obama, or maybe two or threeor four or five, and convince them to join our team,' Mr. Romney told supporters in Denverrecently. 'I need you to go out and find people and say, 'You know what? It's not working.' '

The new strategy comes as last week's presidential debate, in which Mr. Romney was widely seenas besting the president, has shaken up the candidates' standing in both national andbattleground-state polls.

A CNN/ORC International poll released Tuesday showed the president with a four-point edgeamong likely voters in Ohio, 51% to 47%, narrower than other recent polls. A Gallup tracking pollof likely voters showed Mr. Romney with a 49%-47% lead over Mr. Obama nationally.

Both candidates were in the battleground state of Ohio Tuesday stumping for support on the lastday for eligible residents to register to vote.

Mr. Romney campaigned last weekend in three counties in Florida that Mr. Obama carried in 2008. On Monday, he stumped in Newport News, Va., which Obama won by nearly 30 percentagepoints. He planned to campaign Tuesday evening in Ohio's Summit County, which the presidentcarried four years ago by 18 percentage points. All three are key swing states that are likely to playimportant roles in who wins in November.

In contrast, Mr. Romney had spent a larger share of his time in Republican-leaning areas in manyprior weeks.

Both candidates also are now talking differently to voters: Mr. Obama, seen as lethargic in thedebate, is delivering a more assertive message that focuses on promises he made and says hekept, such as ending the Iraq war and cutting taxes for the middle class. Mr. Romney is speakingmore about personal experiences, such as his work as a Mormon church leader, at a time whensome polls suggest the negative image that many voters hold of him is beginning to soften.

随着新的民调显示美国共和党总统候选人罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的选情有所提升,他开始现身外界眼中可能不友好的地区拉票,访问摇摆州中在2008年总统大选时支持奥巴马(Barack Obama)的县,并敦促奥巴马的支持者转变立场。




美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)与ORC International周二发布的民调结果显示,在俄亥俄州可能投票的选民中,奥巴马的支持率较罗姆尼高出四个百分点,两人分别为51%和47%,奥巴马的优势较最近其他民调显示的结果收窄。盖洛普(Gallup)对可能投票的选民的跟踪调查显示,全国范围内,罗姆尼的支持率高于奥巴马,两人的支持率分别为49%和47%。


罗姆尼上周末在佛罗里达州的三个县举行竞选拉票活动;2008年的总统选举中,奥巴马在这三个县的支持率高于对手。周一,罗姆尼现身弗吉尼亚州纽波特纽斯(Newport News)拉票;2008年奥巴马在该地的支持率高出对手近30个百分点。罗姆尼计划周二晚间在俄亥俄州萨米特县(SummitCounty)竞选拉票;四年前奥巴马在该县的支持率较对手高出18个百分点。上述三个州都是重要的摇摆州,可能对谁将赢得11月的总统大选起到重要作用。


