
2012-11-16 13:55:07 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语阅读与翻译:罗姆尼电视广告支出将首超奥巴马”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

Romney's Ad Buy Tops President's

For the first week of this election season, Mitt Romney isoutspending President Barack Obama on television ads, with theRepublican challenger dipping into a war chest amassed from anaggressive fundraising schedule.

Mr. Romney will spend about $16.8 million on television ads thisweek, according to ad-tracking data provided by media buyers, while Mr. Obama will spend about $15.5 million, down 30% from a week earlier, when the campaignspent heavily to air a two-minute, pre-debate spot.

When spending by independent super PACs is included, the mismatch is wider. Mr. Romney andhis allies will combine for $31.4 million this week, compared with $19.7 million for Mr. Obama and hissupporters, according to data from one media tracker.

'A lot of the super PACs kind of were sitting there tepidly,' said Kyle Roberts, head of Smart MediaGroup, a Republican ad-buying firm. 'You're seeing them get back in the game.'

The GOP advantage represents an additional fillip for Mr. Romney, who is riding a post-debate wavethat has seen his poll numbers improve as the race enters its final stage.

The Romney campaign is even spending heavily in states where Mr. Obama has led by notablemargins, including a roughly $1 million advertising buy this week in Wisconsin. Mr. Obama and thesuper PAC supporting him have decreased their ad buys there, betting that the president's lead issafe after a blitz of TV ads and two visits to the state by the president, including his largest rally ofthe year last week, in Madison.

If Mr. Romney lost Ohio, where Mr. Obama leads in most polls, Wisconsin would be critical to anychance of his winning an Electoral College majority.

The president sought Wednesday to calm the nerves of his supporters, some of whom have beenpublicly fretting since the president's lackluster debate performance last week. Mr. Obama indicatedto radio host Tom Joyner that he is optimistic about next week's second presidential debate andabout Thursday's face-off between Vice President Joe Biden and GOP vice-presidential nomineePaul Ryan.

'By next week, I think a lot of the hand-wringing will be complete because we're gonna go aheadand win this thing,' he said in the interview broadcast Wednesday. Mr. Obama said that in the firstdebate, 'I was just too polite,' but 'I think it's fair to say we will see a little more activity at the nextone.'

美国本次总统选战打响以来,罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)一周内的电视广告支出将首次超过现任总统奥巴马(Barack Obama),这些支出来自于这位共和党总统候选人通过积极筹款积累起来的竞选资金。



共和党广告购买公司Smart Media Group的负责人罗伯茨(Kyle Roberts)说,超级政治行动委员会这类组织许多前段时间都不够活跃,你现在看到他们又回到游戏中来了。




奥巴马周三试图安抚其支持者们紧张的神经,自从奥巴马在上周的电视辩论中表现差强人意后,他们中的一些人一直在公开表达自己的不快之情。奥巴马对电台节目主持人乔伊纳(Tom Joyner)表示,他对下周举行的第二次总统候选人辩论以及本周四举行的副总统拜登(Joe Biden)和共和党副总统候选人瑞安(Paul Ryan)之间的辩论持乐观态度。

