【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语阅读与翻译:中国富人想移民到哪里”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。
Where Well-Off Chinese Are Looking to Immigrate
As wealthy Chinese increasingly look to invest overseas, foreignbusinesses also have stepped up their efforts to woo potentialChinese investors. Nowhere is this courtship more visible thanwith foreign real-estate developers.
On a recent Saturday, some 140 developers from more than 20 countries showcased their properties to Chinese buyers in an expo held in Beijing. To catch theeyes of the prospective buyers, the developers handed out fancy brochures, decorated theirexhibit booths with bold-color pictures of featured properties, and in some cases, even had youngsaleswomen wearing bunny ears.
But what attracted many of the Chinese visitors the most was the lure of foreign residency, whichmade the 30 exhibitors from Cyprus the most prominent group at the entire expo.
Why Cyprus? While mild weather, rich history and a nice location in the Eastern Mediterraneanmight make the tiny island nation an attractive place to live, the main appeal is the incredibly lowbar it sets for immigration: Anyone who spends EUR300,000, or roughly $393,000, on a piece ofproperty on the island automatically becomes eligible for permanent European Union residency.
'Cyprus has relatively low immigration hurdles than others like the U.S. and Canada,' said ShaoGang, while flipping through a brochure handed out by a Cyprus developer. 'That is attractive tous,' said Mr. Shao, who said he works at a local trade group.
Other developers who drew large crowds at the expo included those from Singapore and Australia, both of which also offer attractive investment immigration programs.
Tony Du, general manager at Affluent Investment Group, was at the expo helping an Australiadeveloper consulting with potential Chinese buyers on immigration-related questions. 'Of the 100 people I talked to, 60% of them wanted to emigrate, and 40% only wanted to buy propertiesoverseas, ' Mr. Du said.
傲丰置业集团(Affluent Investment Group)董事总经理Tony Du也在展会现场帮助一家澳大利亚开发商回答中国买家与移民有关的问题。他说,和我谈话的100个人中,有60%想要移民,只有40%是单纯想在海外置业的。