
2012-11-16 12:22:24 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语考试阅读与翻译:美国外交的困局”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

America’s foreign policy is ill-served by itselection

The prolonged campaign for the White House shows why theUS finds it so difficult to pursue a rational foreign policy in a worldof unprecedented complexity. Articulating foreign policy in theheat of an election produces an irresistible temptation toproclaim simplistic remedies to complicated foreign challenges.


Hence the hasty public declarations that Bashar al-Assad of Syria must go even before a realistic USpolicy to achieve that goal had been formulated. And hence the deference shown to the feveredpleas of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, for an ultimatum to Iran and the repeatedreferences to the eventual use of US military power, without much consideration for potentialregional or even global consequences. Hence, also, the pledge by Mitt Romney, the Republicanpresidential candidate, to announce that on day one of his presidency – without any priornegotiations – he would take punitive steps against China’s “currency manipulations”, irrespectiveof likely retaliation.

因此,美国仓促宣称叙利亚总统巴沙尔 阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)必须下台,即使为达到这一目标的现实的美国政策并没有形成。因此,美国显示了对以色列总理本雅明 内塔尼亚胡(BenjaminNetanyahu)强烈诉求的顺从,即对伊朗发出最后通牒,并一再提出最终将动用美国军事力量,而不充分考虑潜在的地区乃至全球后果。同时,共和党总统候选人米特 罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)也在没有任何事先协商的情况下,宣称如果当选,他将在上任的第一天就对中国的“汇率操纵行为”采取惩罚举措,而不考虑可能的报复。

Alas, such a foreign policy – derived from politically expedient, short-term commitments – riskssetting in motion dynamics that ultimately lead to international chaos. In particular, the idea thatthe US could somehow ensure Israel’s future by imposing a new order in the Middle East – throughthe forceful export of “democracy” to both Syria or Iran – is dangerous daydreaming.


The post-1945 US domination of the Middle East is receding rapidly while the region is in the midstof upheaval. Most of the prevailing borders, which date back to the Anglo-French diktats followingthe first world war and the concurrent disintegration of the Ottoman empire, are shaky. Even theregion’s major states, notably Iran and Turkey, are vulnerable to internal ethnic and religiousstrains.


In this flammable setting, an American intervention in Syria or a military strike against Iran either byIsrael or the US would be likely to set off a region-wide explosion. Iraq is still suffering from thedivisive consequences of the US military invasion. It is on the brink of disruptive Sunni-Shiaviolence. It would not take much effort by Syria or Iran to ignite it. Nearby, Lebanon and Jordanare both also vulnerable.


An explosive crisis in the region would have consequences elsewhere. The inevitable rise in the priceof oil – prompted by increased insurance costs even were the Strait of Hormuz forcefully keptopen by the US Navy – would wreak havoc on Europe’s financial recovery. Differences amongEuropean states would intensify. Britain would be tempted to distance itself from European allies infavour of becoming, in the Atlantic Ocean, the equivalent of America-dependent Japan in thePacific.

该地区爆发的危机可能给其他地区带来后果。即使美国海军能够强制维持霍尔木兹海峡(Strait ofHormuz)畅通,但保险成本的增加仍不可避免地会导致油价上涨,从而给欧洲金融复苏带来冲击。欧洲各国之间的分歧可能加大。英国可能会与欧洲盟国保持距离,转而变得像依赖美国的太平洋国家日本,成为大西洋的“日本”。

Russia would have little reason to accommodate America. It could feel free to press the Europeansto respect its geopolitical aspirations in Ukraine and even Georgia, in exchange for someconcessions regarding the price of its energy exports. Motivated by Vladimir Putin’s anti-Americanbias, it would seek closer strategic co-operation with China. A China already annoyed by America’sinclination to define its “pivot” to Asia in military terms, and offended by the threats voiced in theUS elections, may not be indifferent to such self-serving Russian temptations.

俄罗斯将没有理由去迎合美国,它可以向欧洲施压,要求他们尊重其在乌克兰甚至是格鲁吉亚的地缘政治抱负,以换取俄罗斯在能源出口价格上做出一些让步。在弗拉基米尔 普京(Vladimir Putin)反美偏见的推动下,俄罗斯可能会寻求与中国建立更紧密的战略合作。而中国早已对美国不满,因为美国倾向于从军事上界定其“转向”亚洲的战略,并在竞选期间发出针对中国的威胁,因而中国也许不会对俄罗斯出于自身利益的示好无动于衷。

As the presidential campaign unfolds, Israel is forfeiting the opportunity to make itself an acceptedand enduring part of the Middle East through its determination to colonise much of the West Bank. Yet a genuine partnership with a viable Palestinian state could create a centre of technological andfinancial innovation similar to Singapore in southeast Asia. It could also prompt closer collaborationwith an Egypt that is basically not eager to become involved in sectarian Arab conflicts.


A serious and comprehensive policy analysis will come only after the election on November 6 andonce the political temperature has cooled. Regardless of whether Barack Obama or Mr Romneywins the election, the next US president must quickly address the foreign policy challenges thathave been sadly neglected in this election campaign. A detailed review should produce four timelyUS decisions.

只有在11月6日大选之后、政治降温后,才能进行严肃而全面的政策分析。无论是巴拉克 奥巴马(Barack Obama)还是罗姆尼赢得了大选,下一任美国总统都必须尽快应对这场竞选中不幸被忽视的外交政策挑战。仔细分析就会得到美国应该及时做出的四个决策。

First, on Syria, to engage Russia and China in support of an internationally mandated andmonitored ceasefire, as a cooling-off phase before internationally supervised elections.


Second, in the absence of agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue, to continue tightening sanctionsand pledge publicly that the US will retaliate against any threat by Tehran to any Middle Easternstate – including Israel – in the same fashion it would have responded to a Soviet threat to its alliesduring the cold war.


Third, to provide strong and explicit support for a more politically united Europe through anupdated joint Atlantic Charter.


Fourth, to undertake a high-level strategic dialogue with the new Chinese leadership to codify thefundamental interest of both countries in avoiding a replay of Europe’s tragic wars of the 20th century.

