
2012-11-16 12:14:17 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语考试阅读与翻译:飓风桑迪重创美国东北”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

US reels in Sandy’s wake

Businesses and residents across the northeast US face billions ofdollars of losses and days of disruption after hurricane Sandyswept through the region.


The storm rolled inland yesterday having caused the deaths ofat least 38 people in the US and Canada, cutting power to 8m people and flooding Wall Street andmuch of lower Manhattan.


The New York Stock Exchange, after being closed for two days, plans to resume normal tradingtoday. But Michael Bloomberg, New York mayor, said it could be at least three days beforeelectricity supplies were restored to the 750,000 people in the city who lost power, and four daysbefore the subway was running again.

纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)在关闭两天后计划于今日恢复正常交易。但纽约市长迈克尔 布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)表示,可能至少需要3天才能为该市75万人恢复供电,地铁恢复运营需要4天。

New York’s subway suffered the worst damage in its 108-year history, with seven of the 10 tunnels under the East River flooded. Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York state, admitted thatofficials had not been prepared for the scale of the storm surge as rivers burst their banks, floodingtunnels and power infrastructure.

纽约地铁系统遭遇了108年历史上最为严重的破坏。在位于东河下方的10个隧道中,有7个被淹没。纽约州州长安德鲁 库默(Andrew Cuomo)承认,官员们对风暴带来的大浪准备不足。河水冲垮了堤岸,淹没了隧道和电力基础设施。

A record 14ft storm surge hit southern Manhattan on Monday night – about 4ft above theprevious recorded, in 1960. Hundreds of vehicles and buildings were damaged in New York andsurrounding areas as underground garages, basements and ground floors were flooded.


Business life was disrupted in the US financial centre, with the release of company results andeconomic data delayed.


Many businesses told staff to work from home. Proximity to the Hudson River caused problems forsome Wall Street banks including Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. Goldman piled hundreds ofsandbags around its West Street headquarters and relied on its rooftop generator to keep thelights on even as other buildings in Lower Manhattan went dark.

许多公司让员工在家工作。高盛(Goldman Sachs)和花旗集团(Citigroup)等华尔街银行因靠近哈得逊河而遭遇一些问题。高盛在其西街总部大楼周围堆积了数百个沙袋,并依靠其屋顶发电机维持照明,曼哈顿下城的其他建筑物仍一片黑暗。

While damage to business and personal property was still being assessed as the storm passedinland, insurance experts estimated that it would be measured in billions of dollars. Gregory Dacoand Nigel Gault, of IHS Global Insight, said early estimates of infrastructure damage stood at $20bn. Factoring in disruptions to commercial activity and the idling of many of the region’s oil refineries, they said the total economic impact could reach $30bn-$50bn.

尽管飓风登陆给企业和个人财产造成的损失仍在评估当中,但保险专家估计,损失可能达到数百亿美元。环球通视(IHS Global Insight)的格雷戈里 达科(Gregory Daco)和奈杰尔 高尔特(Nigel Gault)表示,初步估计基础设施方面的损失达200亿美元。两人称,考虑到商业活动中断和该地区许多炼油厂停产,总的经济影响可能高达300亿-500亿美元。
