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How Much To Sleep In George's Bed?
How much would it cost a candidate to buy his way into theWhite House? About $1.5 billion, if it were for sale.
如果是自己花钱买下白宫(White House)的话,总统候选人要花多少钱才能入住白宫?假如白宫对外出售的话,它的售价大约是15亿美元。
As the campaigns come to a close, Spread Sheet asked forhypothetical appraisals of three presidential properties in the Washington area: Mount Vernon, George Washington's home; Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home; and the White House, thehome of every president since John Adams.
美国总统大选接近尾声之际,我们请人对位处华盛顿地区的三处总统宅邸进行了假设性估价,它们分别是乔治 华盛顿(George Washington)的弗农山庄(Mount Vernon)、托马斯 杰斐逊(ThomasJefferson)的蒙蒂塞洛宅邸(Monticello)以及自约翰 亚当斯(John Adams)以来历届美国总统的居所──白宫。
For help we turned to Dennis Duffy, CEO of Real Estate Appraisals & Consulting in Washington. Inhis analysis, Mr. Duffy estimated the cost to rebuild each property, and the value of variousoutbuildings, the infrastructure and excess land that could be sold. The appraisals cover theestates themselves, since it would be impossible to put a dollar amount on their historicalsignificance, Mr. Duffy notes.
我们找到了华盛顿房地产咨询公司RCDH & Co.首席执行长丹尼斯 达菲(Dennis Duffy)帮忙。达菲在他的分析中对改造各处房产的费用以及各式各样的副楼、基础设施和可出售的剩余地皮的价值进行了估算。他还指出,由于无法用金钱衡量它们的历史意义,这些估价只涵盖房产本身。
Mount Vernon: The 7,000-square-foot Virginia home is located in a 'very elegant residentiallocation,' Mr. Duffy says. It has a south view of the Potomac River and usable grounds, making itan 'unbelievingly efficient property from a land-use perspective,' he adds.
弗农山庄:达菲称,这座7,000平方英尺(约650平方米)的弗吉尼亚宅邸位处一个“非常雅致的居住地段”。从这里可以欣赏到波托马克河(Potomac River)南面的景色,而且还有一些可以利用的土地,这使得它“从土地利用的角度来看是一处极有效用的房产”。
But its proximity to the river poses certain environmental considerations, meaning a homeownermight need a permit to make changes. 'If you want to cut trees, you're going to have to deal withthe environmental impact of disturbing a natural habitat,' Mr. Duffy says. Another negative: There's no bathroom, and the two outhouses on the property don't add much to market value.
Rebuilding the home to modern standards would cost $42 million, and excess land would likely sellfor about $68.2 million. Throw in the outbuildings and infrastructure, and the total comes to justover $150 million. Similar high-end properties in the area sell for $12 million to $15 million, Mr. Duffysays.
Monticello: The four-story home, also in Virginia, has 43 rooms over 11,000 square feet of livingspace. Rebuilding the home to modern standards while retaining the high levels of craftsmanshipand architectural detail would take $44 million, Mr. Duffy estimates. Selling off the excessland─2,200 acres out of a total 2,500 acres─would generate about $42 million. With theoutbuildings and infrastructure, the total comes out to about $106.5 million. The estimatesurpasses similar 'gentleman farms' or 'horse farms' nearby that range in value from $10 million to $15 million.
White House: The residential areas have 13 bedrooms and 35 bathrooms across six floors and 100,000 square feet. The location is ideal─it's halfway between Georgetown University and thesoutheast waterfront, and close to mass transit, Mr. Duffy says.
白宫:白宫的居住区有六层楼,面积达100,000平方英尺(约9290平方米),有13间卧室和35个卫生间。达菲称,白宫位处完美地段,它位于乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)与东南海岸的中间段,而且公共交通便利。
Upgrades and renovations over the past two centuries have increased the value, says GaryGestson, historic-homes marketing specialist at Long & Foster Realtors in Maryland. Frequentturnover, however, might knock down its value. 'If a property changes hands rapidly, that meansthere's a greater chance for degradation on that property,' Mr. Gestson says. The averageoccupancy for a historic estate is 15 to 20 years.
马里兰房地产经纪公司Long & Foster Realtors的历史名宅营销专员加里 格斯特森(Gary Gestson)称,过去两个世纪来的翻新与修缮提高了白宫的价值。然而,频繁的更换主人可能会降低它的价值。他说,“如果一处房产频频迅速更换主人,那表示其价值下降的可能性比较大。”历史名宅一任主人的居住时长平均在15年至20年之间。
Considering its overall size, condition, location and grounds, the White House is worth nearly $1.5 billion, Mr. Duffy estimates.