
2012-11-16 12:03:39 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语考试阅读与翻译:中国多家网络搜索公司签署自律公约”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

China's Internet Search Companies, Govt-Sponsored Trade Group Agree To Code OfConduct

China's Internet search companies and a government-sponsored trade group agreed to a code of conduct onThursday to moderate tensions in the increasingly competitivesearch environment in the fast-growing market.


The Internet Society of China said industry giant Baidu Inc., BIDU -0.03% as well as upstart Qihoo 360 Technology Co. QIHU +6.08% and a number of smaller search engines, agreed to 'maintainfair competition [and a] fair and orderly market environment.' The market was valued at roughly $1 billion in ad-search revenue in the second quarter, according to data firm Analysys International.

中国互联网协会(Internet Society of China)表示,行业巨头百度(Baidu Inc.)、搜索新贵奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo 360 Technology Co.)以及一些规模较小的搜索引擎企业同意“维护公平竞争、合理有序的市场环境”。数据提供商易观国际(Analysys International)透露,今年二季度整个市场的广告搜索收入大约为10亿美元。

The agreement comes after a dispute between Qihoo and Baidu following Qihoo's launch of its ownsearch service in August. Primarily an antivirus company, Qihoo in recent weeks has grabbed aroughly 8% share of China's search market. Baidu sued Qihoo on Oct. 16 for 100 million yuan ($16 million), alleging the company used software known as a 'crawler,' which traverses theInternet automatically to index and grab information, to make illicit use of Baidu content.


In an interview Thursday, Qihoo Chief Financial Officer Alex Xu denied that the company used acrawler to index Baidu search results, saying that it only indexed Baidu content, like its wikiencyclopedia, which is common practice among search engines.

周四在接受采访时,奇虎首席财务长(CFO)徐祚立(Alex Xu)否认奇虎使用爬虫程序索引百度搜索结果的做法,称它只是对百度内容进行索引,就像百度百科一样,这是搜索引擎的普遍做法。

The Internet Society of China agreement calls for Internet search engines to make fair use ofcrawling software and forbids companies from using the programs 'to carry out acts of unfaircompetition.'


Mr. Xu said that Qihoo already meets that standard and that he believes the agreement is positivefor China's search market. The move 'will create a more open and fair competitive landscape, whichI think will benefit the smaller guys over time,' he said.


Baidu 'welcomes and supports the convention promulgated by the Internet Society of China,' thatcompany said. 'We call on all search providers to respect' it.


According to the release, the agreement is voluntary and not legally binding, but the Chinesegovernment often regulates the Internet with nonbinding agreements that companies arecompelled to follow.


China's Internet industry is one of the few parts of China's economy dominated by companies notdirectly controlled by the state. As a result, the government closely monitors the industry and hasput into place other rules in the past when spats between companies have gotten out of hand.

