2012年翻译英语考试阅读与翻译:A New Direction For America

2012-11-16 12:02:49 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 考试频道小编为大家收集并整理了“2012年翻译英语考试阅读与翻译:A New Direction For America”,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

A New Direction For America

After more than a year of campaigning, endless politicaladvertisements, two conventions and four debates, thepresidential election is almost over. The big decision of 2012 willsoon be in the hands of the voters. The choice Americans makewill shape great things, historic things, and those will determinethe most important and intimate aspects of every American lifeand every American family. All presidential elections matter. Thisone matters a great deal.


It matters to the senior who needs medical care but, thanks to ObamaCare, can't find a doctorwho is taking new Medicare patients. It matters to the men and women who once had good-paying jobs with benefits but now work part-time with no benefits just to put food on the table. Itmatters to the college student graduating this spring with a heavy load of debt and fewopportunities to pay it back. It matters to the single mother who lives in fear of foreclosure as heremployment prospects dwindle.


This election is about them. It is about all of us.


It is about the education of our children, the value of our homes, the take-home pay from ourjobs, the price of the gasoline we buy, the choices we have in our health care. It is also aboutbroader forces伟the growth of the economy, the strength of our military, our dependence onforeign oil, our leadership role in the world.


After four years of disappointments, fixing America's problems requires a new direction. The pathwe're on hasn't led us where we need to go. In so many ways, it seems that things have gotteneven worse. We can make excuses for what has gone wrong, and many have tried. But excuseswon't turn this country around. Only leadership can do that.


I know something about leadership because I have led before. I have reformed businesses thatwere on the verge of collapse. I have helped to save an Olympics that was plagued by scandal. Ihave worked with men and women on both sides of the aisle in Massachusetts to achieve realchange and real reform.


I can do it again in Washington. Republicans and Democrats in Congress may seem to share verylittle these days, but they share responsibility for the problems we now face. Just as it took bothparties to bring us to where we stand, it will take both parties to get us moving again in the rightdirection.


That is something we can only accomplish if we work tirelessly to bridge the divide between thepolitical parties. I will meet with Democratic and Republican leadership regularly. I will look forcommon ground and shared principles. And I will put the interests of the American people abovethe interests of the politicians and the bureaucrats.

