
2011-02-12 11:48:36 字体放大:  

学习是一个循序渐进的过程,知识重在平时积累。为了帮助广大考友更好的复习,威廉希尔app 专四专八站点特整理2011年翻译英语考试英汉互译练习题,希望对大家有所帮助!







Knowledge and technological innovation is an important driving force behind the economic and social development of mankind. China will be dedicated to establishing a national innovation system to promote knowledge, technological and institutional innovation through the creation of a favorable environment. It is the only road for China to achieve its trans-century development. The Chinese government supports scientists in conducting their research in basic science, respects their unique sensitivity and creativity, and encourages them to conduct “research driven by curiosity” to meet national demand and to maintain in the scientific forefront. China’s development will largely rely on innovation achievements in today’s research in basic science and high technology, and also on the outstanding talents bound to be nurtured in the course of these researches.