China is next credit bubble
Mr Hart, who runs Corriente Advisors from Fort Worth Texas, has told potential investors in a presentation that China is in the "late stages of an enormous credit bubble".
位于得州沃斯堡的美国投资公司Corriente Advisors负责人赫特在一次演讲中向潜在投资者表示,中国已处于“一个巨大信贷泡沫的最后阶段”。
Raw materials: Corriente says China has consumed just 65pc of the cement it has produced in the past five years, after exports. The country is currently outputting more steel than the next seven largest producers combined – it now has 200m tons of excess capacity, more that the EU and Japan's total production so far this year.
Property construction: Corriente reckons there is currently an excess of 3.3bn square meters of floor space in the country – yet 200m square metres of new space is being constructed each year.
Property prices: The average price-to-rent ratio of China's eight key cities is 39.4 times – this figure was 22.8 times in America just before its housing crisis. Corriente argues: "Lacking alternative investment options, Chinese corporates, households and government entities have invested excess liquidity in the property markets, driving home prices to unsustainable levels." The result is that the property is out of reach for the majority of ordinary Chinese.
位于得州沃斯堡的美国投资公司Corriente Advisors负责人赫特在一次演讲中向潜在投资者表示,中国已处于“一个巨大信贷泡沫的最后阶段”。
原材料:Corriente 公司称,在过去5年,剔除出口数据后,中国的水泥消耗量仅占其产量的65%。中国现今的钢产量已超过了其余七大生产国的产钢总量——中国目前的过剩钢产能达到两亿吨,超过日本及欧盟本年度迄今为止的钢产量之和。
房地产建设:Corriente 公司认为,中国目前的房屋空置面积达到33亿平方米——而每年的新开工面积仍有两亿平方米。
1) excess liquidity 流动性过剩就是指有过多的货币投放量,这些多余的资金需要寻找投资出路,于是就有了投资/经济过热现象,以及通货膨胀危险。
2) 2009年全球钢产量排行
排名 国家/地区 2009 年 (百万吨)
世界 1219.7
1 中华人民共和国 567.8
欧盟 139.1
2 日本 87.5
3 俄罗斯 59.9
4 美国 58.1
5 印度 56.6
6 大韩民国 48.6
7 德国 32.7