
2014-12-20 10:19:53 字体放大:  

2014年12月英语六级考试在12月20日下午举行,威廉希尔app 英语考证频道为大家整理发布了2014年12月六级英语作文预测,更多英语四六级考试最新内容尽在威廉希尔app 英语考证频道。

As a result of the increased internet communication, online shopping has been an indispensable part in the modern life today. However some people hold disapproval attitudes towards this thing. In my opinion, it both has positive and negative aspects, just as the proverb goes like this: every coin has two sides.

When it comes to positive aspects, it’s very convenient and time-saving compared with traditional shopping. What you need to do is just clicking your mouse and waiting instead of going out by foot or driving. Moreover, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. However, in spite of convenience and more choices of online shopping, we cannot turn a blind eye to its advantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first advantage. It’s common that articles aren’t so good just as they are described online that customers always buy fake commodities. What’s more, it’s troublesome and annoying for many customers to make a change when they are not satisfied with what they bought online.

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