
2013-04-01 15:45:18 字体放大:  

英语四级考试还有没多长的时间了,相信考生们也期待了很久了,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的2013英语六级作文人口和计划生育的内容,希望对同学们有一定的帮助,愿同学们取得个满意的成绩!


Mankind is feeling greater pressure from the expanding number of people. The area of the earth can never be expanded. Nor are there endless sources of food and clothing. Yet, the number of people is increasing be 80million each year. In the next fifty years, the world population may double. How can so many people be fed? What is worse, most likely, there will be a day when people can only have standing room.

Birth control is a basic policy in our country. China has the greatest number of population in the world. Her level of per capita cultivated area ranks very low. With a high birth rate, the production of grain and other bare necessities will be unable to meet the needs of people. To raise people's living standard, we must practice birth control.

There are disadvantages of a family having more children. First of all, as the parents have only limited income in general, they cannot give their children a good upbringing in food, clothing and shelter, let alone education. Secondly, child rearing will exhaust the parents, leaving them no burden of the society so far as social morality and juvenile delinquency are concerned.

