
2014-11-28 15:32:09 字体放大:  

题目问根据作者,什么最能够用来形容一个成功的领导者。通过great leaders直接定位到文章第五段第四句。A great leader will assess each situation on its merits, and will only take charge when their position, the situation, and/or the needs of the moment demand it.这句话很明显就是作者对于成功领导者的描述,所以答案不言而喻,一个成功的领导者懂得审时度势,再决定是否应该掌控一切。所以D为正选。


How will many business executives respond when their command fails to generate action?

A.They reassess the situation at hand.(他们会重新估计当下的形势)

B.They become impatient and rude.(他们变的不耐烦和粗鲁)

C.They resort to any tool available.(他们会使用任何可用的工具)

D.They blame their team members.(他们会埋怨自己的团队成员)

题目问当命令没有落实到行动时,很多经理是如何反应的。通过many business executives 定位到第六段第一句话,Many business executives confuse leadership with action. 这句话并没有直接体现答案,所以我们可以适当地往后读。第三句话写到Faced with any situation can’t be solved by the sheer force of activity, they generate a dust cloud of impatience.意思是“当遇到没法全凭行动来解决的问题时,他们就会变得极度不耐烦”。这句话基本对应了B选项的impatient,但是还不够。再往后一句话,Their one leadership tool is volume: if they think you are not working as hard as they think you should, their demands become increasingly louder and harsher. “声音是他们的领导工具之一,如果他们认为你没有像他们期望的那么努力工作,他们的命令就会变得越来越大声和刺耳”。这一句话对应的是B里的rude。所以B为正选。


What is the author’s advice to leaders?

A.Concentrate on one specific task at a time.(同时只专注于一个特定的任务)

B.Use different tools to achieve different goals.(用不同的工具来实现不同的目标)

C.Build up s strong team to achieve their goals.(建立一个强大的团队来实现他们的目标)

D.Show determination when faced with tough tasks.(面临艰巨的任务时体现出强烈的决心)

题目问作者对于领导的建议是什么。做完前面四道题还有最后两段话没有用于定位,所以完全可以把两段话都快速读一遍。本题的答案出自最后一句话。A true leader is someone who develops his or her team so that they can and do hit their targets and achieve their goals. C选项就是整句话的同义改写,为正选。ABD均为无中生有。



