
2012-12-22 17:02:33 字体放大:  

2012年12月英语六级考试于今日举行,英语六级听力答案也在第一时间被网友曝光,威廉希尔app 高考英语六级频道小编为尽快帮助考生以帮助考生了解自己英语六级的答题情况,特在第一时间发布2012年12月英语听力答案。

12.Steele ...

13.The fringe ...

14.The crab ...

15.Curnow had lost ...

16. There's ...

17.The waves showed ...


19.The fishing-boats ...

20.A pale yellow light ...

21.The sun blazed ...

22.The bareness ...

23. bulrushes and...

24.through the ...

25.A daddy...

26.upon the ...

27.a hurricane ...

28.She whispered to ...

29.Flanders bent...

30.plotting the...

31.hurling itself at the hills...

32. bedroom had thrown off ...

33.The sheep's jaw ...


35.MHow the ...

36. fastened






42. spectacles




11. Go and ask the staff.

12.He fell asleep in the middle

13. She is worried about

14. In a restaurant

15.He is being i

16.The man is unlikely to

17.The woman is going to make

18.They didn’t quite enjoy their last picnic.

19.He prefers hot weather to cold weather.

20.The cold houses.


22.They work hard and play hard.

23. French.

24. careers guidance.

25.Its pleasant environment.

26. The art of

27. To enhance concentration

28. How listeners in different cultures

29. Buying and maintaining

30. Two of his employees

31. Advancement to

32. She is competing

33. They help

34.The values

35.The growth of

36. stable

37. challenges of

38. certainly

39. role




11.look 12.he is 13.the woman 14.a suitc 15.the lack 16.do 17.the hot 18.buy 19. D A manager at a computer store.


20. A Handling customer complaints.

21. C She wants to be with her husband.

22. D Early next month.

23. B It will be a major economic power by the mid-21st century.

24. D The huge gap between the haves and have-nots.

25. C They attach great importance to education.

26. A She engaged in field research on environmental pollution.

27. A The job restricted her from revealing her findings.

28. B Many toxic sites in America have been cleaned up.

29. D Her ability to communicate through public speaking.

30.D The accelerated pace of globalization.

31.B Gain a deep understanding of their own culture.

32.C The labor market is getting globalised

33.B Brown-haired women are rated as more capable.

34.A They are shrewd and dishonest.

35.C They hinder our perception of individual difference.

36. derived

37. immense

38. convenient

39. accuracy

40. largely

41. instant

42. recalls

43. texture

44. This means that any thought about a certain subject will often bring up more memories that are related to it.

45. Associations do not have to be logical. They just have to make a good link.

46. If you remember the shape of Italy, it is because you have been told at some time that Italy is shaped like a boot.