2012年12月英语六级考试于今日举行,英语六级深度阅读答案也在第一时间被网友曝光,威廉希尔app 高考英语六级频道小编为尽快帮助考生以帮助考生了解自己英语六级的答题情况,特在第一时间发布2012年12月英语深度阅读。
题目what will happen 版本
57.It is bound to
58,male directors
59, the burden of taking c
60,they can bring a woman's talent
61, it adversely affects 深度阅读理解卷二
开头是 who’s poor :
52.there is
53.most of
54.it is made
55.it defines
56.the administration’s 深度阅读卷三
开头是is 20th
52 the government shuld provide
53their business
54 it has
55rules that encourage
56 prevent 深度阅读卷四
开头是women are:
57 its talent
58 male
59 an
60 they allow
61 it adversely 阅读理解卷五和卷六
文章第一段开头amid all..这篇 52.the robotic53.moving 54.they prevent 55.they save 56.it will be
文章第一段开头是you have now..这篇 57.they had to 58.changing 59.A healthy 60.when china talks 61.to encourage