
2012-12-22 16:02:12 字体放大:  

2012年12月英语六级考试于今日举行,英语六级翻译真题答案也在第一时间被网友曝光,威廉希尔app 高考英语六级频道小编为尽快帮助考生以帮助考生了解自己英语六级的答题情况,特在第一时间发布2012年12月英语六级真题答案。


已经把荒地变成肥沃的农田  wasteland into fertile farmland

我几乎认不出她来   I almost did not recognize her

使法官确信我们是清白的  judges convinced that we are innocent

你可以放心    you can be assured

试图征服他是不明智的He is unwise to attempt to conquer


82已经把那片has been put the article into fertile land farmland

83我几乎can I hardly recognize him

84使法官确认我们是清白的make the judge confirm our innocence

85你可以放心You can rest assured

86试图征服他是不明智的it is not wise to try to conquer

翻译版本二:82、据说是基于一次真实事件It is said that is based on a true event

83、分散顾客对其质量的注意力Disperse its customers quality attention

84、或许就不会为交通阻塞耽搁Maybe I qq13778 65812would not be traffic delays

85.被当作残疾人看待 Think as the disabled

86. 他们虽然尽了力Although they try

翻译版本三:82、不管中國變得多么強大  No matter how strong China become

83、而是靠其勤奮和堅持But by their diligence and insist on

84、他們要是此刻在這就好了If they now in this good

85、給慈善基金的那筆錢  To charity fund that money

86、將被迫尋找躲避太陽  Will be forced to find from the sun