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要注意共同保险条款,如果保险公司认为投保金额不足,这个条款允许保险公司只赔偿部分损失。让代理人加上“协定保险价额 ”,你和保险公司认同一个合适的保险价值。这可能让保险费提高15%,却减少了随后的争端。来源:www.233.com





【7】公共调解员George Von York说,“这是场赌博”。他帮助业主和保险公司谈判,以期获得更多赔偿。“大部分人一辈子也没有得到实在的赔偿。但是,孩子,在你需要时,最好还是有保险。”

1. 答案 A


2. 答案D

解析:题干中的人名Gabrielle Melchionda出现在文章一开始。文章开头讲述Melchionda女士的遭遇。因为没有保“企业停顿保险”,Melchionda女士蒙受了损失,感到痛苦。答案D是正确选项。

3. 答案B

解析:题干中in that相当于连词because,表示原因。考题考查买保险为什么让人感到害怕。考生可定位在文章的第五段,文章提及有些是忠告,有些却是在利用投保人,而这之间很难分辨。选项B是对此句话的总结。

4. 答案C

解析:考题考查在特定的情况下,投保人应该如何做。考生可根据题干中“如果你的运作有很大风险”,将答案定位在第一个小标题picking an agent的最后两段,文章讲到,此时你需要雇风险咨询师,所以选项C是正确答案。

5. 答案A

解析:考题问到,州法律要求的保险是什么?第二个小标题picking a policy下面的第三段中讲“员工赔偿保险是州法律要求”,所以选项A是正确答案。

6. 答案D

解析:根据题干中的“worker's compensation”,考生可继续锁定第二个小标题下的第三段,原文中讲“Rates vary widely by industry and occupation”,其中vary意为“不同,变动”,和选项D中的be different同义。

7. 答案B

解析:根据题干中的人名George Von York,考生可锁定文章的最后一段,George Von York认为保险就是一场赌博,一辈子可能用不到,可是又不能没有,如果有可能,你还是需要买保险。从中可以看出George Von York的态度,他是建议人们买保险的,而选项C是个干扰项,他并不是向投保人收费很高,而是帮助投保人获得更高的索赔。

8. 答案equipment in your office

解析:根据题干,考生可找到第二个小标题picking a policy下面的第四段,它讲到财产保险涵盖的方面。

9. 答案available

解析:根据题干,考生可锁定第二个小标题picking a policy下面的第七段,原文讲到买这种保险的条件。

10. 答案a temporary office or equipment您看到来自www.233.com的新闻

解析:根据题干中的business interruption insurance,考生可锁定第二个小标题picking a policy下面的第八段,文中提及“企业停顿保险”的承保内容。

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension(35 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

11. A) The man didn't have much time to spend working on his essay.

B) The man was too busy to complete the assignment.

C) The man shouldn't have turned in the essay late.

D) She's sorry she couldn't help the man last week.

12. A) At the information desk.

B) In a department store.

C) In a restaurant.

D) At a railway station.

13. A) She'll go to the game later.

B) Noise disturbs her when she's reading.

C) She prefers to use headphones.

D) The man should turn off the radio.

14. A) The man should not have stayed up so late.

B) She likes to go to see new films.

C) She wants to go to a film with the man.

D) She prefers old films to new ones.

15. A) She doesn't know where the man went.

B) She doesn't know how to get to the library.

C) She can give the man directions.

D) She wants to find out where Olympic Street is.

16. A) It's a bestseller of the year.

B) She has temporarily forgotten the title.

C) The title is rather difficult to pronounce.

D) She can never recall the title of the book.

17. A) She thinks Henry is not funny enough.

B) She enjoys Henry's humor a great deal.

C) She must learn to understand Henry's humor better.

D) She doesn't appreciate Henry's humor.

18. A) He's waiting to hear from potential employers.

B) He plans to write the letters soon.

C) He missed the job application deadlines.

D) His job interviews went very well.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. A) On a bicycle trip.

B) Toa recycling center.

C) To a paper mill.转载自:考试大 - [233.com]

D) On a business trip.

20. A) Reading cards, calendars and writing paper.

B) Art books and other high-quality printed matter.

C) Insulation for basements.

D) Imitation wood.

21. A) The quality of paper will improve.

B) Paper prices will go down.

C) Garbage dumps will decrease in size.

D) Trees will be saved.

22. A) Husband and wife.

B) Mother and son.

C) Teacher and student.

D) Friends.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. A) The man's brother.

B) The man's roommate.

C) A neighbor.

D) A photographer.

24. A) He's noisy.

B) He's messy.

C) He has too many boxes.

D) He goes to class alone.

25. A) He worked for a radio station.

B) He lived in a dormitory.