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3.不定式做定语(1)被修饰的名词前有序数词、形容词最高级或next, last, only, not a, the, very等限定词时,该名词用不定式做定语。如:

the first woman to set foot on the moon 第一个登上月球的女性

(2)如果其动词要求不定式做宾语,相应的名词一般用不定式做定语。如: tendency to do→tend to do, decision to do→decide to do

This book is an attempt to help you use English and recognize how it is used.

(3)如果其形容词形式要求接不定式做补语,相应的名词一般用不定式做定语。如: ambition to do “干……的雄心”→be ambitious to do“有雄心干……” curiosity to do “对……的好奇心”→be curious to do“对……好奇” ability to do“做……的能力”→able to do“有能力做……”

According to Darwin, random changes that enhance a species’ ability to survive are naturally selected and passed on to succeeding generation.


way, method, reason, time, place, chance, occasion, opportunity, evidence, power, right, movement, drive (运动),effort等。如:I worked so late in the office last night that I hardly had time to catch the last bus. We appreciate your efforts to bring about a comprehensive solution to the existing problem. (5)不定代词something, nothing, little, much, a lot习惯上用不定式做定语。如: Though we have made great progress, there is still much to be improved.