
2014-11-10 17:11:44 字体放大:  

(2)everyone&every one

everyone等同于everybody,all people ,指的是所有的人;

eg:Everyone thinks they have the right to be here.

every one既可以指人,也可以指物,强调一个个体,通常用every one of ;

eg:Every one of us has faults and shortcomings.

Every one of the films we have shown this year has been a succes.

(3)no one&none

no one 只能指人,none既可以指人,也可以指物,none后面还可以接of;

eg:No one failed the examination.

None of the students failed the examination.

6. it 的用法



① it 用来指代时间、距离、温度、天气等

eg:It's three years since I saw him.

② it 用来前指或者后指

eg:I've lost my book. Where is it?

There is no doubt about it that he was a fine teacher.

③ it 做形式主语

eg:Is it possible to learn typewriting very quickly?

④ it 做形式宾语,通常放在谓语动词和宾语补足语(形容词)之间,真正的宾语放在宾补之后

常见动词有:feel, consider, find, believe, make, take, imagine, think, suppose, regard

eg:She thinks it no use telling me.

He has made it clear that he wouldn't agree to the plan.