
2014-11-10 17:04:06 字体放大:  


2)具有否定意义的词或短语置于句首时(除否定词修饰主语外),句子一般要写成部分倒装句。这类词或短语常见的有:not, never, seldom, hardly, rarely, scarcely, by no means, under no circumstances, in no way, at no time, no sooner … (than), hardly … (when), not only … (but also), not until… ,等。例如:

Hardly had she sat down when she heard someone knocking at the door .


Not until twelve o‘clock did he go to bed last night .


Never have my sisters been to Hong Kong before .


No sooner had I returned home from New Zealand than I bought a house and went to live there.我从新西兰一回国,就买了一栋房子并在那儿住下了。

So far as I know, seldom does Mary come back to see her mother.


Scarcely a drop of rain fell here last fall . (否定词修饰主语时,句子不用倒装。) 去年秋天,这儿几乎没下一滴雨。

3)当so, often, only等表示程度、频率的副词放在句首时,句子一般要倒装。例如:

Only in this way can you come up with a solution to the problem.


So serious was the situation that everybody faced a test.


So hard did he overwork that he fell ill at last. 他太操劳过度以致最后病倒了。

4)当there, here, then, now等副词在句首,且谓语是come, go, be等动词时,句子一般要全部倒装。其意义在于引起他人的注意。如果这类句子的主语是代词,则不用写成倒装句。例如:

Now, here goes the story.这个故事是这样的。

Look, there comes the taxi.瞧,出租车过来了。

Then came another question.然后又一个问题提出来了。

Then followed the four-year War of Liberation.接下来是四年的解放战争。