
2013-04-09 14:01:07 字体放大:  

【摘要】:2013六级考试进入了最后的冲刺阶段,语法的知识点是难点和重点,以下是威廉希尔app 特为考生们整理了2013英语六级语法;survey有哪些重要用法的内容,希望能给广大考生们在复习中作出一点贡献。预祝考生们通过考试!

用作名词的 survey 意思很多,在学习应注意以下有用搭配:

(1) 表“根据……调查”,通常与介词 according to 搭配。如:

According to the latest surveys many Britons suffer from heart disease. 据最近调查显示,许多英国人患心脏病。

According to the survey, as few as 10% of us are happy with our jobs. 据调查显示,我们当中只有10%的人对自己的工作感到满意。

(2)表“调查表明……”“(民意)测验表明……”,通常与动词show, reveal, indicate等动词搭配。如:

The survey revealed a wide spread of opinion. 调查结果表明各种意见差别很大。

Surveys have shown that more and more people are getting into debt. 调查显示越来越多的人负债。

Surveys show that 75% of people approve of the new law. 民意测验表明,75%的人赞成新颁布的法规。

A survey indicated that 89 per cent of people recycle paper. 一项调查显示89%的人重复使用纸张。

(3)表示若表示“进行调查(测验)”等,可与 carry out, conduct, do, make, take, undertake 等动词搭配。如:

They’re conducting a survey. 他们正在进行一项调查(www.yygrammar.com)。

We conducted a survey of parents in the village. 我们对这个村子里的父母亲作了一次调查。

The charity did a survey of people's attitudes to the disabled. 慈善团体就人们对残疾人的态度进行了调查。

A survey carried out last year found 80% of the public in favor of the change. 去年做的一次调查发现80%的公众支持这项改革。

He called me on the pretext that he was taking a survey, but he was actually selling stocks. 他打电话给我借口在作调查,但他实际上是在卖股票。

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