
2013-04-09 13:37:48 字体放大:  

【摘要】:2013六级考试进入了最后的冲刺阶段,语法的知识点是难点和重点,以下是威廉希尔app 特为考生们整理了2013英语六级语法;名词advice的用法的内容,希望能给广大考生们在复习中作出一点贡献。预祝考生们通过考试!

1. 表示“建议”“劝告”“忠告”等,是不可数名词,若表示一条或几条建议或劝告,要借用 piece, bit, word 这样的词。如:

Here are two pieces of advice. 这是两条建议。

Let me give you a bit of advice. 让我给你一点忠告吧。

There was nobody to tell him, to hint him, to give him at least a word of advice. 没有人告诉他,或暗示他,或起码给他一句忠言。

2. 表示按照某人的意见做某事,一般要用介词 on 或 by。如:

We did the work by her advice. 我们按她的意见做此工作。

Claire went to Paris on Sarah’s advice. 克莱尔听取萨拉的忠告去了巴黎。

3. 表示提出建议或忠告,一般用动词 give;表示向某人请教或征求意见,一般用动词 ask (for);表示接受意见或劝告,一般用动词take, follow, accept 等。如:

The old often give good advice to the young. 老年人常常对年轻人提出金玉良言。

You should ask for the teacher’s advice. /You should ask the teacher for advice. 你应该去征求老师的意见。

If we had followed his advice, we could have done the job better with less money and fewer people. 要是听取了他的意见,我们不仅可以节省人力、物力,而且还会把工作做得更好。

4. 表示对某人的忠告,其后通常接介词to。如:

My advice to you would be to wait. 我劝你等着。

Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall. 给予投资者的建议是以利率将继续下降这一点为前提的。

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