【摘要】:2013六级考试进入了最后的冲刺阶段,语法的知识点是难点和重点,以下是威廉希尔app 特为考生们整理了以a-开头的形容词用法agape,希望能给广大考生们在复习中作出一点贡献。预祝考生们通过考试!
一、agape 的用法
基本义:张口发呆的; 目瞪口呆的 very surprised, expectant, or eager, esp as indicated by a wide open mouth
Nancy's mouth was agape. 南希目瞪口呆。
He watched with mouth agape. 他张着大嘴注视着。
Old Cheng who had woken was yawning. His mouth still agape he mumbled, "Is it late?" 老程醒了,打了个哈欠,口还没并好,就手就说了话;“不早啦吧?”说得音调非常的复杂。
He stood agape, the manuscript clutched in his hand. 他目瞪口呆地站着,手里紧握着那沓诗稿。
二、agape 的搭配
agape with sth. 例如:
The Children were all agape with excitement. 孩子们全兴奋得大张着嘴。