【编者按】威廉希尔app 小升初为大家收集整理了“CET6语法:有关名词的另一些用法”供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!
(1)Some (ecologists)believe that wihtout drastic measures Europe’s lands and forests would one day become acidic wastelands.
Europe’s是名词所有格形式,强调欧洲的地理概念。而这正式上述句中所需要的含义。European是形容词,强调欧洲的品质、特色,与别的洲的比较,所以上述例句中的lands and forests之前不应该用Euroean.
2. One of Europe’s last remaining great wildernesses, the Park of Donana,is fighting against indiscriminate use of pesticides by farmers.
3.He is the owner of Europe’s largest chicken farm.
4. Europe’s investment in China is only a small part of its overall investment.
5. In the women’s event, Chinese players led the victory by fifteen match wins to Europe’s eight.
6. He knows many European languages.
7. He is fond of European literature.
8. She was once a very popular actress on the European stage,
9. Is Russia an European or an Aisan country?
10. The European men and Asian women won the team titles in the championships last January.
试比较下面例句中的Europe’s and European的区别
11. Europe’s agriculture
European agriculture
12. Europe’s education
European education
13. Europe’s territory
European territory
有时常见与不常见之别,与Europe’s trade要比European普通。有时则无甚区别,如:China’s capital与the Chinese capital.
表示国家的专有名词,如China, Japan,Indai等,用作定语时比较简短,所以颇受人们的欢迎。但其使用范围不及形容词广。举例如下:
14. Japan table(固定说法,意谓涂以日本漆的桌子)
15. China bean(固定说法,意为缸豆)
16. India rubber(固定说法,意谓橡皮)
17. the United States envoy(=the envoy of the United States)
18. his China visit(=his visit to China)
19. the japan Open(在日本举行的公开赛)
20. the China Association for the Blind and Deaf(中国盲人聋哑人协会)
21. the China team(似乎没有the Chinese team的说法)
22. China Town(唐人街或中国城,也是一种固定说法)
表示国家的专用名词的形容词,这边用Chinese做例子,其用法比较广范,一般的词典都有释义和例句,这里主不赘述了。但有两点需要指出:一是它与名词可互换使用,如上述例句19、20、21等,但在其他例句中则一般须用名词形式,不用形容词形式。二是形容词形式亦有固定说法,如:Chinese linen(夏布),Chinese lanterm(灯笼),Chinese indigo(蓝靛), Chinese cabbage(白菜)等。至于the Chinese people, the Chinese language,Chinese literature,Chinese culture等表示人,语言,文学,文化等的说法,更需要用形容词了。
这是因为stomach是以|k| 音而不是以|t?|(这边读qi)音结尾的缘故。构成名词复数形式时应由单形名词词尾的读音而定,不应由其字母形式而定,这是一般语法书上都应写明了的。
可否用carbohydrates,crude ,proteins,crude ,fats等复数形式
可以。有些特质名词用作类时,是可以有复数形式的,再如foods,teas,wines, tobaccos, wheats, liquids,grasses,inks,fertilizers