3 正确选项与原文定位句转换更直接清晰
一般来说,正确选项会具体表现出四种特征:一,是原文的完全再现,二,是原文的结构,个别名词或动词进行同义替换;三,是原文的主宾颠倒(主动换被动);四,是原文的句正话反说。在以往的六级阅读考试中,第二种形式是最常见的,所以有些考生在看到有原文原词的时候反而不敢选择。 在近几次考试中,原文原词重现成为正确选项的现象呈上升趋势
例如: 2013年12月份六级阅读56题 正确选项C) They often have to seek jobs outside the academic circle.和定位句.But today, most graduates end up working outside academia, not only in industry but also in careers such as science policy, communications, and patent law前半句信息都使用了outside the academic 原词表达
再如同篇文章中58题正确选项C) An IDP be made in consultation with an adviser.与原文定位句In 2002 the U.S. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology recommended that every postdoctoral researcher put together an IDP m consultation with an adviser.后半句m consultation with an adviser也使用了完全相同的表达
第二篇文章最后一题正确选项D) Tap women's economic potential 与定位句中
Hillary Clinton at the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. "When we liberate the economic potential of women, we elevate the economic performance of communities, nations, and the world," she said. 希拉里话述中的women's economic potential也是原词重现
如:第二篇文章64题正确选项D) They are underrepresented in politics.女性在政治领域未受到充分代表与原文"Trying to quantify or measure the impact of women in politics is hard because in very few countries have there been enough women in politics to make a difference," 很少有国家在政治领域有足够的女性代表进行了替换表达。在这里笔者也就是希望考生朋友们在平时背单词的时候多积累一些同义词反义词,灵活思维,这对阅读题的解题是最有帮助的。