
2013-06-15 20:06:47 字体放大:  

2013年6月六级英语考试于15日下午如期举行,威廉希尔app 在第一时间为考生提供了"2013年6月英语六级阅读答案(卷六)",接下来威廉希尔app 会在第一时间发布2013年6月英语六级考试真题及答案,请持续关注本网站。

Section A

47. What is one of the disadvantages of traveling as an air courier? She cannot decide when and where to travel.

48. What do we know about Jarolim from the passage? She is successful in her job.

49. She fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the U.S. that she moved there.

50. I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things.

51. As adventurous as the job sounds, the hard part is fact-checking all the information. Section B Passage One

52. What is the reason that we fail to attend to our family financial well-being? [D] We think it needn’t be dealt with immediately.

53. We work out a budget in order to . [A] avoid unnecessary spending

54. What is the advantage of the retirement savings? [B] Employees can get money as the retirement savings from their employers.

55. It’s good for us to have some cash on hand to . [C] cope with sudden and serious situations

56. Which group of people is advised to hold a health insurance? [D] Those who are less than 65 years old. Passage Two

57. Which of the following is the true description of the surrealist world? [C] It had never been explored by anyone before Picasso.

58. Picasso quoted the example of the English language to maintain that . [D] the intricacy of the surrealist art should not be blamed on the artists

59. What’s the main idea of the passage? [D] People in different cultures have different concepts of space.

60. It can be inferred from the passage that . [C] even impolite bodily contact is acceptable by the Arabs

61. When an Arab wants to be alone, he . [B] may still stay with his companion



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