
2013-06-14 11:10:16 字体放大:  

vinyl record 黑胶唱片

vintage clothes 复古的衣裳

ambience n. 气氛,布景

exert v. 运用;发挥;施以影响

Closer to home, Copenhagen has ensured it hasn't drifted towards the "clone town" status bestowed upon most indistinguishable British towns and cities. There are streets full of quirky start-up businesses next to chain stores and it has employed urban designers such as Jan Gehl to ensure the city is a joy to walk around and cars are relegated to fourth place behind walking, cycling (what a great cycling infrastructure they have established) and public transport.

drift to 转向

quirky adj. 古怪的;离奇的

But we can't always wait for government to deliver the infrastructure. We have to "have a go" ourselves at making small shops work.

Our vision for the new-style high street will be on show at the pop-up high street at our vintage festival at Boughton House, Northampton, this July. The vintage high street is a place to promenade, shop, watch street artists, eat and drink and just sit and take in the magic of the high street, with the authenticity of a film set, in the middle of a wonderful landscape. But for our visions to become a reality in our towns and cities, we the consumers will have to frequent the galleries, cafes and new independent stores that rise out of the ashes of the tired old retail chains.

Question time:

1. According to the writer, to ensure the normal operation of the new-style high street, what is required?

2. What's Vancouver famous for?

3. As consumers, to embrace the new-style high street, what should we do?


1. Good town centre planning and the cornerstone of this.

2. It boasts a wonderful natural setting but it doesn't rely on its natural beauty for liveability.

3. We will have to frequent the galleries, cafes and new independent stores that rise out of the ashes of the tired old retail chains.



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