
2013-06-14 11:09:18 字体放大:  

illicit a. 非法的;违法的;违背社会常规的;不正当的

Although the new life expectancy numbers are encouraging, the fact remains that heart disease, cancer and flu/pneumonia are still the top three leading causes of death inNew York, followed by lung disease and diabetes. (This is New York, after all, and not everybody takes kindly to being told not to smoke or eat fast food.) A third of all deaths in New York occur before age 65, with more than 15,000 New Yorkers dying prematurely each year.

But many of these deaths can be prevented, and the city is hard at work trying — as its public-health campaigns demonstrate.The health messages in New York are ubiquitous and persistent; you can’t avoid them (much like New Yorkers themselves). So, if there’s any upside to standing in a crowded subway car every day or fighting through the hordes at Times Square, maybe it’s that the city’s pervasive health-promoting billboards and ads might soon sink in.

ubiquitous adj. 到处存在的,无处不在的,十分普遍的

pervasive a. 遍布的,充斥各处的,弥漫的

Question time:

1. What's the most significant contributor to New Yorkers’ increased life expectancy ?

2. Why did the author assume that he was paying a high price for his go-go urban lifestyle?


1. It was the city’s expanded testing and treatment of people with HIV.

2. Big city residents tend to have more stress, which can translate into skyrocketing blood pressure and increased rates of heart disease.



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