
2013-06-14 11:08:12 字体放大:  

accompany vt. 陪伴,伴随;伴奏 vi. 伴奏,伴唱

Increasingly, if shipping costs extra, the online purchase just doesn’t happen. In a previous ComScore survey, nearly half of consumers (47%) said they’d abandon an online purchase if they discovered at checkout that shipping wasn’t included for free.

You can’t have a discussion about the free-shipping trend during the holiday season without mentioning Free Shipping Day, which has quickly become a tradition: This year, over 1,400 retailers will offer free shipping for orders placed on December 16.

Ironically, the trend toward more and more free shipping sorta makes Free Shipping Day unnecessary and obsolete: If shipping is available for free almost every day anyway, there’s really no need for a special day for getting free shipping.

Last year, FreeShipping Day founder Luke Knowles said in a Q&A that about 60% of participating retailers were offering free shipping with no minimum purchase requirements whatsoever. This year, consumers can expect not only that the number of participating retailers will rise, but that the percentage of retailers with no-minimum-purchase requirements will as well.

no-minimum-purchase 无最低消费限额

Question time:

1. What would be a huge trend for the winter shopping season?

2. Does the author think there should be a special day for getting free shipping?


1. Free shipping would be a huge trend for the winter shopping season.

2. NO, because If shipping is available for free almost every day anyway, there’s really no need for a special day for getting free shipping.



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