
2013-06-14 11:01:56 字体放大:  

Using a federal database that included data from roughly 1,000 hospitals, Deshmukh found 6,229 cases of broken heart syndrome in 2007. Of those, only 671 — just under 11% — were in men. He found that, overall, women had about 7.5 times the risk of broken heart syndrome as men; in people under 55, women were at 9.5 times greater risk than men. Women over 55 were also three times more likely to suffer broken heart syndrome than younger women.

Researchers don't know what causes the gender disparity, but they have some ideas. Reported the AP:

One theory is that hormones play a role. Another is that men have more adrenaline receptors on cells in their hearts than women do, "so maybe men are able to handle stress better" and the chemical surge it releases, Deshmukh said.

surge n. 大浪;汹涌澎湃;巨涌 vi. 激增;汹涌 vt. 使颠簸

About 10% of sufferers will have a second episode at some point, but most return to full heart function without permanent damage or need for follow-up treatment. So, it looks like the way to mend a broken heart is what Mom always said: just give it time.

follow-up 后续

Question time:

1. What is called broken heart syndrome?

2. What's the difference between broken heart syndrome and heart attack ?

3. Why are women more vulnerable to broken hearts ?


1. when a sudden shock or prolonged stress causes heart attack-like symptoms or heart failure, it is called broken heart syndrome.

2. The difference is that the factors that would normally cause heart attack, such as a blocked artery, aren't present.

3. One theory is that hormones play a role. Another is that men have more adrenaline receptors on cells in their hearts than women do.



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