
2013-06-14 10:52:43 字体放大:  

Employees have never found it easy to squeal on employers. Perhaps the most celebrated ofcorporate whistle-blowers, Sherron Watkins, a former executive at Enron, never went public with her prediction that the company might be brought down by fraud. She reported her concerns internally, and was ignored.

员工举报老板从来就不是件容易事。最著名的举报人,安然公司前高官Sherron Watkins,可能从没有将她对于公司会因诈骗倒闭的预测公布于众。她只是在公司内部提出了她的担忧,但是没有人理睬。

When the SEC released draft rules in November, businesses fretted that the financial rewards would prompt insiders to go straight to the commission, bypassing their firms' internalprocedures—especially since that would reduce the risk of being victimised by the boss or branded a "disgruntled employee". The new rules try to correct this, for example by allowing areward to be paid in some circumstances to whistle-blowers who only grumble internally.


The chance of making a fortune may encourage speculative whistle-blowing in the hope of winning the lottery. Ms Schapiro's new Office of the Whistleblower may be deluged with useless tips. But even that might be better than the status quo.




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