英语六级阅读理解 中陈述句答题思路

2013-06-14 10:30:45 字体放大:  

【摘要】2013英语四六级在即,威廉希尔app 小编在此为大家编辑了“英语六级阅读理解 中陈述句答题思路”,供大家参考,希望对四六级考生有所帮助。祝大家取得理想的成绩!




1) somebody has (had) been known to do something only when he(she) is (was)something is (was) made out of __

2) According to the passage, Somebody does (did) something (in order) to

3) Something can (could) best be named (classified, called... ) as

4) The value of something amounts to __

5) A certain kind of person is someone who __

6) People are looking for better ways to

7) From their experience, they concluded that