
2013-04-22 17:35:53 字体放大:  

【摘要】:威廉希尔app 整理了约会和求职都是有起有落的,有时候两者都会让你感觉像是坐过山车一样,心情时好时坏。要找到一份理想的工作很难,找工作的过程就跟找意中人一样艰辛,下面一些建议可以帮助你找到理想的工作和梦中情人。

1.Get to know your date or prospective employer.People have checklists in their heads for a potential partner and have certain criteria such as religion or family values. Keep in mind that your employer is also looking at you to see if you meet the requirements they're looking for. To get a better sense of the kind of person they want, carefully look at the job description, read more about the company and its culture if you can find information on it online, and look up LinkedIn profiles of people who hold similar positions in the same company.


2.Don't wait by the phone. After the interview, you're left hanging and waiting for your potential employer to get back to you. Don't pine away by your phone or computer and jump every time you get a new email or phone call. Focus your energy on searching for more jobs; you might even find one that suits you better. To skip the anticipation nerves, ask your interviewer when you can expect to hear back from them at the end of the interview. That way you won't keep wondering when they are going to get back to you. Write a thank-you note right on the day of or day after the interview, and follow up a week later if you haven't heard back from them.


3.Don't let rejection crush you. Getting rejected can feel awful especially if you really wanted the job. The best thing to do in this situation is not to linger over the "what ifs" and to move on with a positive mindset. Don't let a couple of rejections get you down because there are plenty of fish in the sea.


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