
2013-04-20 15:23:29 字体放大:  

【摘要】:威廉希尔app 整理了生活中很多事情可以让我们高兴或者不开心,这里总结出10件事情,可以让我们在不开心时开怀大笑。

1. Your coffee comes exactly as you like it, with the precisely right ratio of cream to sugar.

1. 你点的咖啡正好就是你想要的,奶油和糖的比例恰到好处。

2. You make all the stop lights when you’re in a hurry.

2. 当你有急事的时候,信号灯正好为你而停。

3. You come back from the bathroom at a restaurant and your delicious meal is already at the table.

3. 当你在餐厅用完洗手间的时候,美味的饭菜也刚好为你端上桌。

4. Waking up thinking you have to get up and go to work, but it’s a Saturday.

4. 当你早上醒来想着还得起床去上班时,发现那天是周六。

5. Having a truly problem-free flying experience.

5. 有一次真正无忧无虑的飞行旅程。

6. Flicking through the channels on an otherwise boring night and a movie you love, but would never think to watch, is just starting.

6. 在一个无聊的夜晚调台时,正好发现某台有一部你喜欢却没有机会去看的电影才刚刚开始。

7. Arriving at the subway station right on time to catch both your trains, original and transfer.

7. 当你到达地铁站时,正好赶上你想搭乘的列车(直达或换乘都行)。

8. Driving through a crowded parking lot and finding yourself right behind someone in the first spot who is just leaving.

8. 在拥挤的停车场刚好找到一个正要空出的停车位。

9. Waking up in the middle of the night and seeing it’s 3:00am and you still have a few hours to sleep.

9. 在午夜醒来发现才早上3点,你还可以再睡上几个小时。

10. Finding out they are bringing back one of your favorite cancelled TV shows.

10. 正好发现一部你很喜欢但已取消播出的电视节目又重新上演。

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