
2013-04-18 09:24:37 字体放大:  

【摘要】:威廉希尔app 整理了每个人的压力都很大,女人和男人都不容易,很多人都说男人比女人累,实际女人比男人更容易累,那么我们女人比男人哪些方面更容易疲劳。

1. You might be doubling up on the work you do. Although we've made strides toward a more equitable division of labor, women still tend to do more hours of housework and child-rearing than men do. So women who work outside of the house as well essentially have two jobs.


2. You have too many weeknight plans. We often expend all of our energy trying to meet every social obligation. It's probably time to stop doing that.


3. You're probably chronically stressed out. There's nothing like a stress-filled week to seriously deplete all of your energy.


4. Babies! According to NPR, 25 is still the average age of first birth. This might contribute to the larger exhaustion gap we see between men and women in the 18-44 range. Raising small children is pretty damn exhausting.

4.婴儿!据NPR报道25岁仍然是生第一胎的平均年龄。这可能导致我们看到18 至44岁之间的男性和女性更大的疲劳差距。养育婴儿是相当累人的。

5. You can't shut off your thoughts. Women may have a harder time letting go of things that happened during that day when it's time to go to sleep.


6. You might be dealing with greater financial burdens than the dudes around you. Seeing as almost all women in the U.S. are working in jobs which typically pay men more, it wouldn't be surprising if some women feel dead on their feet from trying to make ends meet.


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