【摘要】:威廉希尔app 搜集了你是否一到情人节来临之际,发愁该给男友准备什么特别的礼物好呢?情人节是恋人间的特殊节日,他们在这一天互诉爱意与倾慕。那么下面告诉你什么礼物送男友更贴心。
1. Electronics
Most guys will appreciate electronics, which you can purchase on any budget. For an inexpensive gift, purchase him his favorite movie on DVD or a CD he wants to buy. For a more expensive gift, an MP3 player makes an ideal gift. If he already has an MP3 player, purchase a gift card for him to download music and movies.
2. Entertainment Tickets
Most guys love going to concerts or sporting events. Find one of these events taking place locally and within the next month or two. Give him two tickets wrapped in a small gift box. Guys love receiving tickets for events.
3. Personal Gifts
If you're on a tight budget but want to give a personal gift, try writing him a romantic letter, poem or song. He will treasure this inexpensive gift because it demonstrates your love for him. Wrap the letter in a decorative box or envelope before giving it to him.
4、 Sports-Themed Gifts
Many men have that one favorite sporting team they continuously follow. You can't go wrong purchasing a gift with that sporting team's logo or them. Most sports team sell a variety of team-themed items including apparel, hats, blankets and mugs.